The Process


  1. Email us the building plans to [email protected], these can be in PDF format or JPEG, these drawings should be an accurate representation of the proposed layout and include the following information:
    1. Scale bar or a dimension for us to scale from
    2. Door locations and type (FD30) or non-fire rated as well as swing direction.
    3. Kitchen layout showing worktops, units, Hob/Oven positions.
    4. Location of any open fireplace
  2. We will send you a proposed Automist design along with a quote and information about the product, please contact us to go over the design and make any amendments.
  3. Once we have completed the final design, please send this to building control to request their approval.
  4. If everything is approved and you would like to proceed.  Please contact us to arrange the first site visit.


  1. Deposit – we require a 50% deposit, please provide us with invoice details and we will issue an invoice, we accept bank transfer only.
  2. Site survey – Please arrange a time for us to come to site to meet with the builder and measure up.  During the visit we will set out and explain to the builder our requirements.
  3. 1st Fix – Once the site is ready, we will come and install all our pipe work and control wiring.
  4. 2nd Fix & Commissioning – When the project is almost completed, we will attend site and install all the equipment.  We will then fully commission the system.  Please ensure that everything is ready before you book this visit, any additional visits will be charged at £250 plus VAT per day.  We will require power and water services to be live.
  5. We will then invoice for the final balance and once payment has been received, we will issue the install certificate and warranty information.

Site Preparation (builders works in association)

Following our 1st site visit we will have discussed the specific requirements.

Route enabling

  • Any chasing out of solid walls
  • Lifting of floorboards and penetrations including fire stopping and making good.

Electrical supply

  • We need a dedicated electrical feed to the pump location as follows:
  • An FP200 2.5mm 2 core and earth cable from the distribution board to the agreed pump location, this should be fed via an RCBO TYPE C 16amp, this must be up-stream of any other RCD on the distribution board.  The other end needs to be terminated in an UN-SWITCHED fused spur (wit flex outlet).

Water Supply

  • At the pump location we will require, and standard main cold feed terminated in a 3⁄4″ BSP valve (with blue hand turn) as used for washing machines.  The supply should be a 15mm copper feed and be set out as follows:
    • 200/300mm from base of pump (floor/shelf) have a clearance 0f 90mm from the side/wall and be facing in the down position.
    • The supply must be a minimum of 1.5 BAR and 6 litre flow rate pm.

Automist Smartscan Hydra® Preinstallation Guide

Important! Connecting the system to the mains requires a competent electrician with 17th Edition Electrical Qualifications. The Automist circuit should be clearly labelled (a sticker is provided for this purpose). Automist requires an independent 230V a.c. / 50Hz electrical supply, not shared with other unrelated devices.  Components of the fire detection and alarm system may use this circuit, which must remain powered in the event of a fire. Power to Automist must be provided via an unswitched fused connection unit (FCU). Automist should be supplied using FP200 cable or better. RCD or RCBO protection may be required, however, by applicable electrical installation regulations, in which case the circuit design must be such that the operation of any other RCD, RCBO or safety device does not affect the operation of Automist. Typically, on a split-load board, Automist should be connected to the non-protected side of the board. Where there are no spare ways in the existing consumer unit, or there are no available non-RCD protected ways in the existing consumer unit, the electrician may wish to use a Henley Block to provide new tails to a second distribution board (typically a 2- or 4-way unit).

The Automist unit presents a part-inductive load and therefore only type “C” breakers are suitable. Because Automist Smartscan is often used for life safety applications, installers should add a suitable safety margin to the MCB ratings. The circuit supplying a single Automist unit would commonly be protected by a type ‘C10’ or ‘C16’, for example, or ‘C20’ / ‘C32’ for two Automist Smartscan units. This should be on a C-type breaker, on an RCBO or a RCD protected circuit. The RCD circuit should protect only the Automist system and not be incorporated with any other circuit in the property. If the consumer unit is located in the protected area it should be protected by an electrical cover. However, if the consumer unit is in the protected area and has a metal enclosure complying with 17th Edition IET Wiring Regulations to BS 7671 2008; Amendment 3, it does not require the addition of an over box to meet BS476 Part 22 (1987) and EN1364 (1999) which pre-dates Amendment 3 becoming effective. If the electrical installation is required to follow BS 8458, the stipulations of that standard should be adopted; in particular it may require the use of fuses rather than MCBs as well as a “separately fused connection taken after the meter and from the supply side of the domestic or residential fuse box”.

Important! We require a viable hose route through the fabric of the property from the proposed pump location to the proposed location of the spray head. We will try to utilise plasterboard walls within the property but sometimes solid walls will need to be chased in order to install the spray head. Please allow at least a 40mm chase/hole(s) to be drilled for the hose through studs.

  1. Does the preinstallation set up match the layout drawing?
  2. At the pump location is there enough room for the pump?
  3. Is there a viable hose route from the pump to the spray head(s) position, with at least 40mm holes for the hose to pass through?
  4. Is there a viable hose route from the head to head?
  5. Has all solid wall chasing been completed with the correct chasing dimensions?
  6. Is there an unswitched fused spur at the pump location? Remember 1 fused spur for 1 pump
  7. Does the electrical supply have the correct protection at the fuse board (c16 non-rcd breaker)?
  8. Is there a 15mm copper feed terminating in a 3⁄4″ BSP Valve at the pump location? Remember 1 valve for 1 pump